Not everything needs a reason, but I still want to tell a little bit about how this blog has come to exist.
I don’t really want to call this a “travel blog” or “photography blog” or “lifestyle blog”. Maybe the term “experience blog” would fit better. It actually feels a bit weird for me to start blogging. Any of my friends would be able to tell you I some times live under a rock. I really am not the kind of person who knows what’s up. I even really hate my phone sometimes and have almost thrown it out of the window a couple of times already. But at the same time I somehow do feel the need to share certain things in my life, even with complete strangers. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have always seen the world with a great curiosity but at the same time with great fear and anxiety. These contradictions in my personality have lead to a strange search and struggle to find my way in life. During this search I have come to discover that sharing experiences with other people really helps with learning to understand yourself. And somehow telling other people about your biggest embarrassments actually stops you from feeling ashamed.
I will start my story by telling you about my introduction to surfing. Surfing somehow was the first time for me when I felt like these inner contradictions finally started working together
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